Mr. Ansari holds Master's Degree in Business Administration from Institute of Business Administration, done in 1983. He has also received a Certificate in Management Information System from United States Department of Agriculture. With this qualification, he has worked, in turn, for Bankers' Equity Limited (from 1985 to February 1989), Banque Indosuez (from March 1989 to February 1992), Habib Overseas Bank, South Africa (from March 1992 to September 1994) and Dewan Mushtaq Group (from September 1994 to September 2003), before joining Saudi Pak Leasing Company Limited.
Mr. Ansari's notable achievements, during his career, are setting up of investment banking arm of a foreign bank in Pakistan and establishment of a new bank in South Africa. He also holds that credit for turnaround of Saudi Pak Leasing Company Limited, which was at the brink of huge loss, into a profitable organization by substantially improving the financing portfolio and bringing about new dimensions to management.
In the past, Mr. Farrukh S. Ansari has also been nominated by the Government of Pakistan on various advisory committees for addressing policy issues.
As a Director of KSE, Mr. Ansari has also been appointed by the Board as member of Audit Committee and Board Committee for hearing appeals of KSE members.