Usman Masud Khan was born on 20th September, 1953. During the past 7 years as a Rotarian he has worked zealously which not only impressed his seniors but also motivated his colleagues to follow his foot steps. A hard working and dedicated Rotarian who has the desire to help and possesses outstanding ability to lead.
He joined Rotary Club of Karachi North in year 2000. In 2003 he became the Charter President of Rotary Club of Karachi Bay and till date is an active member of the club. He has been actively participating and providing financial support towards numerous projects especially in the field of Education, Health and Female emancipation Empowerment.
He joined Rotary Club of Karachi North in year 2000. In 2003 he became the Charter President of Rotary Club of Karachi Bay and till date is an active member of the club. He has been actively participating and providing financial support towards numerous projects especially in the field of Education, Health and Female emancipation Empowerment.
Has received various awards for his work from our District. Districts outside Pakistan have also aptly recognized and awarded his humanitarian character trait. By profession he is a Business Executive and has served Noon Group of Companies for 36 years.
A graduate from University of Punjab, he also did his Master in Business Administration, excelled in extra curricular activities at School, College and University.
A graduate from University of Punjab, he also did his Master in Business Administration, excelled in extra curricular activities at School, College and University.