
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Unaiza Niaz

Prof ( Dr) Unaiza Niaz M.D., D.P.M., F.R.C. Psych
· Chairperson, Section on Woman’s Mental Health, The World Psychiatric Association.
· The Director of The Psychiatric Clinic & Stress Research Center, Karachi
· Visiting Professor of University of Health Sciences ,Lahore
· President Pakistan Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

§ Former, Head of Department of Psychiatry, Pakistan Airlines
§ Senior Lecturer, Faculty of The Agha Khan University Hospital, Karachi,
§ Life Member, of The Pakistan Psychiatric society, and held Positions as Vice President, Secretary General.
§ Life member, of the World Federation of Mental Health,
§ Advisor , National Commission on the Status of Women, Pakistan



Anorexia Nervosa, Depressive Illness Delirium and Dementia; and conducted multi centres drug trials (New antidepressant – Mianserin in London and drug for Demetia – Hydergine (at The Johns Hopkins University and Duke University USA)


Her research interests are Stress management, Medical Health Policy and Post- Graduate Education, Stress in Industry, Aviation Medicine Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Bereavement and Psychological Aspects of Renal Dialysis, Women’s Issues (“Violence against Women”, “Depression in Women”, Stress in Working Women, and Sexual Harassment at Work Place). Disaster Psychiatry, (Handling vulnerable groups of women and children in 2005 Pakistan, Earthquake Victims).

· The International Association on Women’s Mental Health,
· The Staff College(Armed Forces) Quetta, Pakistan
· Air War College, KARACHI
· PAF, Aero medical Center Pakistan Air Force Base, Masroor, KARACHI
· Presented several Keynote Lectures at local and International Psychiatric Congresses.
Trained at the centers of excellence, The Royal Free Hospital, The Tavistock Clinic Hampstead London and The Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A.
She has to her credit numerous scientific publications in both national and international journals. She has authored several books; “Emerging Images of Pakistani Women’ , “ “Stress Management” and “The Psychosocial Profile of Pakistani Women”, published by the Karachi University, Centre of Women’s Excellence,& a land mark Monograph on Woman’s Mental Health In Pakistan, a MILLINIUM PUBLICATION OF PPS. EDITED a Book on Medical Ethics in Contemporary Era”, She has Edited, and authored a Book -- Pakistan Earthquake2005—International Perspectives in Handling Psycho-Trauma.” The Day the Mountain’s Moved “
Recent Publication-Contemporary Topics in Women’s Mental Health Editor and Author Wiley-Blackwell London (A publication of the World Psychiatric Association)