
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Jameel Yusuf

Mr. Jameel Yusuf was the Founder Chief of Citizens Police Liaison Committee (September 1989 – March 2003) commonly known as CPLC established by the Sindh Government as a statutory institution, operationally independent assisted Victims of Crime in the provision of justice and the Police in combating / detecting crime. For his role in detection leading to apprehending over 500 Kidnappers / Terrorists, he was invested with the prestigious national award of “Sitara-e-Shujaat”, by the President of Pakistan. His services have been recognized not only nationally, but internationally as well. He was also nominated for the First United Nations Vienna Civil Society Award in 1999.

Honorary National / International affiliations / appointments:
· Member of the Federal Law & Order Commission of Pakistan (Dec’ 1995)
· Director, Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF), Japan since 1997
· Member of Focal Group and Advisory Board, Federal Ministry of Interior, (December 1999 – September 2002)

· Founding Trustee of “PANAH”, a Shelter Home established for Women in Distress, in 2001 in Karachi

· Member, Advisory Council Fellowship Fund for Pakistan (FFFP), Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars (WWC) since 2004

· Member, Board of Trustee of the Karachi Port Trust since August, 2008

Documented following proposals, later adopted as National Policies:

· Computerized Criminal Record Management System (CCRMS - 1999)
· National Alien Registration Authority (NARA - 2001)
· Arms Control Policy (2001)
· Police Reforms (Police Order - 2002)