
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Parveen Saeed

Parveen Saeed is the founder of Khana Ghar, an outfit that provides heavily subsidised meals to the  poor residents of Khuda ki Basti, Taiser Town in Karachi.

The three-rupee meal served at Khana Ghar includes one roti and a plate of curry.
Essentially a housewife, Saeed was drawn to feeding the poor when she read the story of a local woman who killed her two children because she could not afford to feed them. She set up Khana Ghar in January 2002 and gradually drew in family, friends and others to help set up food houses and distribution points.
Saeed plans to continue devoting her life to this initiative and dreams of being able to feed everyone everywhere.
A soft-spoken, humble woman, who is usually seen wearing old, faded clothes, 52-year-old Saeed rarely ventures out without covering her head. She speaks in Urdu, and strains hard to understand English, answering the most difficult queries with a smile and a nod.
Saeed is reluctant to admit that she has done anything worthy of praise and recognition but, only recently, she was honoured by Timberland Pakistans Green Awards for her meritorious service.