
Monday, April 23, 2012

Saad A Khan

Saad’s interest in ADR developed during his graduate studies at Georgetown.  Initially, he was interested in international conflict analysis which stemmed from his belief that international prosecutions for crimes are not only costly but more often than not they end up as an impediment towards social healing and a journey towards peace in societies torn by conflict.
The discovery of the efficacy of truth commissions directed his interest towards ADR processes. Saad discovered that those countries which had adopted ADR processes to supplement the adversarial model of justice saw an empirical improvment in terms of efficacy and economics. Whereas it used to take years for a lawsuit to reach its conclusion, from the trial to appellate stage, ADR mechanisms provided a speedier and economically viable alternative. He also holds the opinion that the anglo-saxon adversarial system allows only a restricted, narrow narrative of cause and effect, which is embedded in impersonal procedural and evidentiary codes which are based upon the premise of a win-lose binary. As a result of adoption of different ADR processes, specifically mediation, the disputants are enabled to narrate their grievances to the fullest with the ultimate result being based on the concept of a “win-win situation”.
Saad holds and a Legum Magister (LL.M. ) from the Georgetown University Law Centre in Washington DC, U.S.A and Legum Baccalaureus (LL.B.) from the S.M. Law College in Karachi, Pakistan