
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Azim Iqbal Siddiqui

Mr Azim Iqbal Siddiqui, Managing Director SSGC, having joined the Sui Southern Gas Company in 1974, Mr. Siddiqui has held diverse portfolios in SSGC and has a distinguished and a prolific career in several management positions. After a stint in the Constructions Department, he was transferred to the Company’s Material Management Department where he worked in managerial capacity for ten years. In the Company’s Human Resources Department where he spent eleven productive years, he eventually rose to the position of Deputy General Manager (Human Resources).
He took over as General Manager (Customer Services) in 2001 where he was promoted as Senior General Manager, Customer Services in 2006. As the head of Customer Services Department, Mr. Siddiqui incorporated state-of-the-art technologies into the Company’s systems, and facilitated numerous training programs for the customer services personnel.