
Sunday, July 3, 2011


Ø M.A. Political Science and International Relations from Karachi University.
Ø LL.B from Karachi University.

Judicial Positions Held

Ø Holding a unique position of being the first woman Judge of a High Court of Pakistan.
Ø Elevated to the position of Judge, At the Sindh High Court Bench in 1994.
Ø Retired in 1999.
Ø Practicing Advocate, 1963-1994 as a Corporate lawyer

Judicial & Administrative Work Experience

Ø As a Judge, presided over Single & DB numerous cases, providing justice in the form of landmark judgments.
Ø As an advocate, deliberated on hundreds of cases on the civil side.
Ø Provided free legal advice to the needy people, through various social work organizations and convincingly got justice for them.
Ø Former Chairperson of the National Commission on the status of women, from March 2002 to March 2005.
Ø A prolific writer – Author of hundreds of Article on Legal Issues pertaining to Women & Children.

Participation at International Fora/Conferences:

Ø Attended National and International conferences since 1964 to date.
Ø Member of Common Wealth Team to monitor Elections in Tanzania in 2005.
Ø Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.

Ø Women of the year Award 1994-95
Ø Pakistan Golden Jubilee Celebration Award for Services in Judiciary 1997
Ø 100 Heroin Award (International) for Social Work.
Ø "Allah" Award 2003 (outstanding women)
Ø Karachi Cosmopolitan Rotary Award for outstanding for services 1992-93.
Ø PAK EXPO (NEW) outstanding performance in the field of jurisprudence 1990.
Ø Lions Club Merits Award 1991.
Ø Women Excellence Award 2006.
Ø Human Rights Society of Pakistan Award 2007 (January 2007).
Ø Women Achievers Award 2007 from I Plus (28-02-2007).
At Present:

Ø Teaching at Hamdard Law School – Karachi.
Ø Practicing at Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Ø Involved in Social Work.
Ø Addresses on National & International Issues of Particularly Human & Women Rights through print & electronic media.