
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ashraf Bava

Mr. Ashraf Bava is the CEO and major shareholder of Nael Capital (Private) Limited and has first-hand market experience of over 15 years.

Mr. Bava's association with Pakistan's capital markets dates back to August 1995 when he joined AKD Securities as Equity Salesperson where he continued till June 1997. He then worked as Senior Equity Salesperson for Westminster & Eastern Financial Services from July 1997 to October 1998 and then, for Invest Capital Securities (Private) Limited from November 1998 to July 1999, before joining Elixir Securities Pakistan (Private) Limited in August 1999 as Head of Sales. In October 2005, he became the CEO of Elixir Securities in which capacity; he performed his duties till February 2008.

Thereafter, Mr. Bava founded Nael Capital which started with institutional sales desk, having experienced salespersons handling all institutional clients. Mr. Bava has also planned to establish retail sales desk and research department in future.

Mr. Bava is an MBA from Institute of Business Administration, Karachi and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) from CFA Institute, USA. He is on the Board of CFA Association of Pakistan and under its banner; he has organized seminars on various topics of finance and has attended a number of conferences in Australia, USA and Far East. Previously, Mr. Bava has also assisted IBA in designing courses on 'Introduction to Business Finance' and 'Corporate Finance'.

Mr. Ashraf Bava is the Chairman of KSE's Development & Trading Affairs Committee and a member of Human Resources Committee and has also been nominated on the Board of National Clearing Company of Pakistan Limited by the KSE Board.