
Monday, July 12, 2010

Farooq Habib Rahimtoola

Lion Farooq Habib Rahimtoola joined lionism in October 1961as a member of Karachi Drigh Road Lions Club and then Karachi Airport Lions Club and, after the dawn of District 305(S-I), he got transfer to Karachi Stalwarts Lions Club. He was the District Governor for the year 1969-70. He was also the Multiple Council Chairman for 1969-70. During his tenure as Governor, RCD (Pakistan-Iran-Turkey) Lions Conference was held in Karachi.Lion Farooq Habib Rahimtoola and his father late Habib Ibrahim Rahimtoola Created history to be the first case of father and son to have served as District Governor and again as Council Chairman. His slogan was “We Serve”.