
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Abid Ali Habib

Mr. Abid Ali Habib is the Chairman and Chief Executive of Abid Ali Habib Securities (Private) Limited and the Director of Aba Ali Habib Securities (Private) Limited; both being the corporate members of Karachi Stock Exchange and National Commodity Exchange.

Mr. Abid Ali Habib holds a Master's degree in Business Administration with majors in Finance completed from Greenwich University in 2001. He also attended 7th Annual Pacific Capital Market Research Centre's Finance Conference held in Manila, Philippines in 1995) where noted academicians, analysts, regulators and practitioner of capital markets participated.

Mr. Habib has been an active member of the Exchange. He has been elected as Director of KSE for the years 1995, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2005 and 2006. During these terms, he has chaired various Committees constituted by the Board such as Modernization Committee (1995), New Product Committee (1997), KSE 100 Index Committee (1997), Modernization & Building Committee (1998), Information Technology Committee (2002) and Development & Information Technology Committee (2005-06). He was responsible for conceptualization, planning and design of internet based order routing system and has also supervised, implemented and tested Karachi Automated Trading System (KATS).

Presently, Mr. Abid Ali Habib is the Chairman of Companies Affairs and Corporate Governance Committee and a member of Board Committee for hearing appeals of KSE members.

Moreover, he has also been nominated to represent KSE on the Board of Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited.