
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Naveed Ismail, CEO KESC

Naveed Ismail a corporate veteran with over 18 years of rich utility experience graduated from UET – Peshawar in 1984. Soon after graduation, he went for Masters in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), followed by MBA from Boston College. After completing his Masters, he embarked upon a successful professional journey.

In 1994, he joined AES Corporation, an American global power company, where he served for over 14 years and successfully led the turnaround of six utility companies in Kazakhstan, Georgia, Great Britain, Argentina and Chile.

In July’08, Naveed Ismail was hired by Abraaj Capital for transformation and turnaround of KESC and at present he is serving as CEO of KESC. Prior to joining KESC, he was serving as President AES Lalpir & AES Pak Gen and successfully converted 2x 370 MW oil- fired thermal power plants into world class business in terms of HSE, maintenance and operations. Naveed also ran the world’s largest power plants of 4,000 MW in Kazakhstan and UK, where he turned around the plants as profitable units with operational excellence.

As President of AES Argentina, he successfully led turnaround of 7 Generation and 3 retail Distribution companies. During his association with AES, Naveed has also been involved in unbundling and financial restructuring of various AES affiliation, energy trading and power purchase contracts. In addition he successfully led the hostile takeover of Chilean multinational generation company Gener (US$ 2.8 bn) and Alicura hydro electric dam (1040 MW) in Argentina.

Naveed has also served as Chairman / Board of Director, Gener SA, Second largest Multinational generation company of Chile owning 7,500 MW ; President, Central Puerto SA, largest Argentine generation company listed on the Buenos Aires stock market; President, Eletropaulo Metropolitana, (4.5 mn customers, 4,000 MW, 16,000 employees and $2.6billion revenue); and President, AES Ekizbastuz, business leader of 4000MW world’s largest thermal power plant.

Naveed is a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is also in the Managing Committee of the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industries (OICCI).